Source code for ocdskingfishercolab

import json
import os
import textwrap
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import flattentool
import google.auth
import gspread
import httplib2
import matplotlib.ticker
import requests
import seaborn as sns
import sql
from babel.numbers import format_decimal
from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframe
from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.display import HTML
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from oauth2client.contrib.gce import AppAssertionCredentials
from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth
from import GoogleDrive
from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError

    from notebook import notebookapp as serverapp
except ImportError:
    from jupyter_server import serverapp

    from google.colab import auth, files
except ImportError:
    # Assume we are in a testing environment.
    from unittest.mock import Mock

    files = Mock() = None

# Patch ipython-sql to add a comment to all SQL queries.
old_run =
# Patch PyDrive2 like at:
old_local_webserver_auth = GoogleAuth.LocalWebserverAuth

def run(conn, _sql, *args, **kwargs):
        comment = f'/*{_notebook_id()} */'
    except KeyError:
        comment = "/* run from a notebook, but no colab id */"
    return old_run(conn, comment + _sql, *args, **kwargs)

def LocalWebServerAuth(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(self.credentials, AppAssertionCredentials):
    return old_local_webserver_auth(self, *args, **kwargs) = run
GoogleAuth.LocalWebserverAuth = LocalWebServerAuth

# A global variable used in set_spreadsheet_name() and save_dataframe_to_sheet().
spreadsheet_name = None

# Use the same placeholder values as OCDS Kit.
package_metadata = {
    'uri': 'placeholder:',
    'publisher': {
        'name': '',
    'publishedDate': '9999-01-01T00:00:00Z',
    'version': '1.1',

[docs] def authenticate_gspread(): """ Authenticates the current user and gives the notebook permission to connect to Google Spreadsheets. :returns: a `Google Sheets Client <>`__ instance :rtype: gspread.Client """ auth.authenticate_user() credentials, _ = google.auth.default() return gspread.authorize(credentials)
[docs] def authenticate_pydrive(): """ Authenticates the current user and gives the notebook permission to connect to Google Drive. :returns: a `GoogleDrive <>`__ instance :rtype: """ # noqa: E501 auth.authenticate_user() gauth = GoogleAuth() gauth.credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() return GoogleDrive(gauth)
[docs] def set_spreadsheet_name(name): """ Sets the name of the spreadsheet to which to save. Used by :meth:`ocdskingfishercolab.save_dataframe_to_sheet`. :param str name: a spreadsheet name """ global spreadsheet_name spreadsheet_name = name
[docs] def list_source_ids(pattern=''): """ Returns, as a ResultSet or DataFrame, a list of source IDs matching the given pattern. :param str pattern: a substring, like "paraguay" :returns: the results as a pandas DataFrame or an ipython-sql :ipython-sql:`ResultSet<src/sql/>`, depending on whether ``%config SqlMagic.autopandas`` is ``True`` or ``False`` respectively. This is the same behaviour as ipython-sql's ``%sql`` magic. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame or """ sql = """ SELECT source_id FROM collection WHERE source_id ILIKE :pattern GROUP BY source_id ORDER BY source_id """ pattern = f'%{pattern}%' # This inspects locals to find `pattern`. return get_ipython().run_line_magic('sql', sql)
[docs] def list_collections(source_id=None): """ Returns, as a ResultSet or DataFrame, a list of collections with the given source ID. :param str source_id: a source ID :returns: the results as a pandas DataFrame or an ipython-sql :ipython-sql:`ResultSet<src/sql/>`, depending on whether ``%config SqlMagic.autopandas`` is ``True`` or ``False`` respectively. This is the same behaviour as ipython-sql's ``%sql`` magic. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame or """ sql = "SELECT * FROM collection" if source_id: sql += " WHERE source_id = :source_id" sql += " ORDER BY id DESC" # This inspects locals to find `source_id`. return get_ipython().run_line_magic('sql', sql)
[docs] def set_search_path(schema_name): """ Sets the `search_path <>`__ to the given schema, followed by the ``public`` schema. :param str schema_name: a schema name """ try: get_ipython().run_line_magic('sql', f'SET search_path = {schema_name}, public') # except ResourceClosedError: pass
[docs] def save_dataframe_to_sheet(dataframe, sheetname, prompt=True): """ Saves a data frame to a worksheet in Google Sheets, after asking the user for confirmation. Use :meth:`ocdskingfishercolab.set_spreadsheet_name` to set the spreadsheet name. :param pandas.DataFrame dataframe: a data frame :param str sheetname: a sheet name :param bool prompt: whether to prompt the user """ if dataframe.empty: print('Data frame is empty.') return if not prompt or input('Save to Google Sheets? (y/N)') == 'y': gc = authenticate_gspread() try: sheet = except gspread.SpreadsheetNotFound: sheet = gc.create(spreadsheet_name) try: worksheet = sheet.add_worksheet(sheetname, dataframe.shape[0], dataframe.shape[1]) except gspread.exceptions.APIError: newsheetname = input(f'{sheetname} already exists, enter a new name:') worksheet = sheet.add_worksheet(newsheetname, dataframe.shape[0], dataframe.shape[1]) set_with_dataframe(worksheet, dataframe)
[docs] def save_dataframe_to_spreadsheet(dataframe, name): """ Dumps the ``release_package`` column of a data frame to a JSON file, converts the JSON file to an Excel file, and uploads the Excel file to Google Drive. :param pandas.DataFrame dataframe: a data frame :param str name: the basename of the Excel file to write """ if dataframe.empty: print('Data frame is empty.') return write_data_as_json(dataframe['release_package'][0], 'release_package.json') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # flattentool uses UserWarning, so we can't set a specific category flattentool.flatten( 'release_package.json', main_sheet_name='releases', # root_list_path root_list_path='releases', # root_list_path root_id='ocid', # root_id schema='', # schema_version_choices disable_local_refs=True, # flatten_tool.disable_local_refs remove_empty_schema_columns=True, # flatten_tool.remove_empty_schema_columns root_is_list=False, output_format='xlsx', ) drive_file = _save_file_to_drive({'title': f'{name}.xlsx'}, 'flattened.xlsx') print(f"Uploaded file with ID {drive_file['id']!r}")
[docs] def download_dataframe_as_csv(dataframe, filename): """ Converts the data frame to a CSV file, and invokes a browser download of the CSV file to your local computer. :param pandas.DataFrame dataframe: a data frame :param str filename: a file name """ dataframe.to_csv(filename)
[docs] def download_data_as_json(data, filename): """ Dumps the data to a JSON file, and invokes a browser download of the CSV file to your local computer. :param data: JSON-serializable data :param str filename: a file name """ write_data_as_json(data, filename)
# We need to add the local variables from its callers, so that `run_line_magic` finds them among locals. This module's # local variables are prefixed with "_", to avoid shadowing local variables in the notebook's cells.
[docs] def get_ipython_sql_resultset_from_query(sql, _collection_id=None, _ocid=None): """ Executes a SQL statement and returns a ResultSet. Parameters are taken from the scope this function is called from (same behaviour as ipython-sql's ``%sql`` magic). :param str sql: a SQL statement :returns: the results as a :ipython-sql:`ResultSet<src/sql/>` :rtype: """ ipython = get_ipython() autopandas = ipython.run_line_magic('config', 'SqlMagic.autopandas') if autopandas: ipython.run_line_magic('config', 'SqlMagic.autopandas = False') results = ipython.run_line_magic('sql', sql) if autopandas: ipython.run_line_magic('config', 'SqlMagic.autopandas = True') return results
[docs] def download_package_from_query(sql, package_type=None): """ Executes a SQL statement that SELECTs only the ``data`` column of the ``data`` table, and invokes a browser download of the packaged data to your local computer. :param str sql: a SQL statement :param str package_type: "record" or "release" :raises UnknownPackageTypeError: when the provided package type is unknown """ if package_type not in ('record', 'release'): raise UnknownPackageTypeError("package_type argument must be either 'release' or 'record'") data = _pluck(sql) if package_type == 'record': package = {'records': data} elif package_type == 'release': package = {'releases': data} package.update(package_metadata) download_data_as_json(package, f'{package_type}_package.json')
[docs] def download_package_from_ocid(collection_id, ocid, package_type): """ Selects all releases with the given ocid from the given collection, and invokes a browser download of the packaged releases to your local computer. :param int collection_id: a collection's ID :param str ocid: an OCID :param str package_type: "record" or "release" :raises UnknownPackageTypeError: when the provided package type is unknown """ if package_type not in ('record', 'release'): raise UnknownPackageTypeError("package_type argument must be either 'release' or 'record'") sql = """ SELECT data FROM data JOIN release ON = release.data_id WHERE collection_id = :_collection_id AND ocid = :_ocid ORDER BY data->>'date' DESC """ data = _pluck(sql, _collection_id=collection_id, _ocid=ocid) if package_type == 'record': package = {'records': [{'ocid': ocid, 'releases': data}]} elif package_type == 'release': package = {'releases': data} package.update(package_metadata) download_data_as_json(package, f'{ocid}_{package_type}_package.json')
[docs] def write_data_as_json(data, filename): """ Dumps the data to a JSON file. :param data: JSON-serializable data :param str filename: a file name """ with open(filename.replace(os.sep, '_'), 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
def _notebook_id(): server = next(serverapp.list_running_servers()) return requests.get(urljoin(server['url'], 'api/sessions')).json()[0]['path'][7:] # fileId= def _save_file_to_drive(metadata, filename): drive = authenticate_pydrive() drive_file = drive.CreateFile(metadata) drive_file.SetContentFile(filename) drive_file.Upload() return drive_file def _pluck(sql, **kwargs): return [row[0] for row in get_ipython_sql_resultset_from_query(sql, **kwargs)] def _all_tables(): tables = set() for column, table in (('viewname', 'pg_views'), ('tablename', 'pg_tables')): tables.update(_pluck( f"SELECT {column} FROM pg_catalog.{table} WHERE schemaname = ANY(CURRENT_SCHEMAS(false))" )) return tables
[docs] def render_json(json_string): """ Renders JSON into collapsible HTML. :param json_string: JSON-deserializable string """ if not isinstance(json_string, str): json_string = json.dumps(json_string) return HTML(f""" <script src=""> </script> <script> renderjson.set_show_to_level(1) document.body.appendChild(renderjson({json_string})) new ResizeObserver(google.colab.output.resizeIframeToContent).observe(document.body) </script> """)
[docs] def calculate_coverage(fields, scope=None, print_sql=True, return_sql=False): """ Calculates the coverage of one or more fields using the summary tables produced by Kingfisher Summarize's ``--field-lists`` option. Returns the coverage of each field and the co-occurrence coverage of all fields. ``scope`` is the Kingfisher Summarize table to measure coverage against, e.g. ``"awards_summary"``. Coverage is calculated using the number of rows in this table as the denominator. If ``scope`` is not set, it defaults to the parent table of the first field. ``fields`` is a list of fields to measure the coverage of, specified using JSON Pointer. If a field isn't a child of the ``scope`` table, use an absolute pointer: .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage(["tender/procurementMethod"], "awards_summary") If a field is a child of the ``scope`` table, use either an absolute pointer: .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage(["awards/value/amount"], "awards_summary") Or a relative pointer (prepend with ``":"``): .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage([":value/amount"], "awards_summary") If a field is within an array, it counts if it appears in **any** object in the array. .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage([":items/description"], "awards_summary") To require a field to appear in **all** objects in the array, prepend with ``"ALL "``: .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage(["ALL :items/description"], "awards_summary") .. note:: Nested arrays, like the ``"awards/items/description"`` field with a ``"release_summary"`` scope, will yield inaccurate results, unless the initial arrays are present and one-to-one with the scope table (i.e. there is always exactly one award for each release). If ``scope`` is ``"awards_summary"``, you can specify fields on related contracts by prepending ``":contracts/"``: .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage([":value/amount", ":contracts/period"], "awards_summary") If ``scope`` is ``"contracts_summary"``, you can specify fields on related awards by prepending ``":awards/"``: .. code-block:: python calculate_coverage([":value/amount", ":awards/date"], "contracts_summary") :param list fields: the fields to measure coverage of :param str scope: the table to measure coverage against :param bool print_sql: print the SQL query :param bool return_sql: return the SQL query instead of executing the SQL query and returning the results :returns: the results as a pandas DataFrame or an ipython-sql :ipython-sql:`ResultSet<src/sql/>`, depending on whether ``%config SqlMagic.autopandas`` is ``True`` or ``False`` respectively. This is the same behaviour as ipython-sql's ``%sql`` magic. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame or """ head_replacements = { "awards": "award", "contracts": "contract", } def get_table_and_pointer(tables, pointer): parts = pointer.split("/") table = "release_summary" # Abbreviate absolute pointers to relative pointers if the pointer is on the scope table. # For example: "awards/date" to "date" if the scope is "awards_summary." for i in range(len(parts), 0, -1): head = parts[0] # Kingfisher Summarize uses the singular prefixes "award_" and "contract_". if i > 1: head = head_replacements.get(head, head) # Kingfisher Summarize tables are lowercase. candidate = f"{'_'.join([head] + parts[1:i])}_summary".lower() if candidate in tables: parts = parts[i:] table = candidate break return table, "/".join(parts) # def get_condition(table, pointer, mode): # Test for the presence of the field in any object. if mode == "any": return f"{table}.field_list ? '{pointer}'" # The logic from here is for mode == "all". parts = pointer.split("/") # It would be more robust to analyze the release schema. That said, as of OCDS 1.1.5, all arrays of objects # end in "s", and only one object ends in "s" ("address"). array_indices = [i for i, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]) if part.endswith("s") and part != "address"] # If the field is not within an array, simplify the logic from ALL to ANY. if not array_indices: return f"{table}.field_list ? '{pointer}'" # If arrays are nested, then the condition below can be satisfied for, e.g., awards/items/description, if there # are 2 awards, only one of which sets items/description. if len(array_indices) > 1: print( 'WARNING: Results might be inaccurate due to nested arrays. Check that there is exactly one ' f"`{'/'.join(parts[:array_indices[-2] + 1])}` path per {table} row." ) # Test whether the number of occurrences of the path and its closest enclosing array are equal. return ( f"coalesce({table}.field_list->>'{pointer}' =\n" f" {table}.field_list->>'{'/'.join(parts[:array_indices[-1] + 1])}', false)" ) if not fields: raise MissingFieldsError("You must provide a list of fields as the first argument to `calculate_coverage`.") # Default to the parent table of the first field. if not scope: scope, _ = get_table_and_pointer(_all_tables(), fields[0].split()[-1]) columns = {} conditions = [] join = "" for field in fields: split = field.split() pointer = split[-1] # If the first token isn't "ALL" or if there are more than 2, behave as if only the last token was provided. if len(split) == 2 and split[0].lower() == "all": mode = "all" else: mode = "any" # Handle relative pointers. This includes `:awards` and `:contracts` (see Kingfisher Summarize). if pointer.startswith(":"): table, pointer = scope, pointer[1:] # Handle absolute pointers. else: table, pointer = get_table_and_pointer({scope}, pointer) condition = get_condition(table, pointer, mode) # Add a JOIN clause for the release_summary table, unless it is already in the FROM clause. if table == "release_summary" and scope != "release_summary": join = f"JOIN\n release_summary ON = {scope}.id" # Add the field coverage. alias = pointer.replace("/", "_").lower() if mode == "all": alias = f"all_{alias}" columns[alias] = condition # Collect the conditions for co-occurrence coverage. conditions.append(condition) # Add the co-occurrence coverage. columns["total"] = " AND\n ".join(conditions) select = ",\n ".join( f"ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN {condition} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100.0 / count(*), 2) AS {alias}_percentage" for alias, condition in columns.items() ) sql = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ SELECT count(*) AS total_{scope}, {select} FROM {scope} {join} """) if print_sql: print(sql) if return_sql: return sql return get_ipython().run_cell_magic("sql", "", sql)
[docs] def set_dark_mode(): """ Set the Seaborn theme to match Google Colaboratory's dark mode. """ sns.set_style('dark', { 'figure.facecolor': '#383838', 'axes.edgecolor': '#d5d5d5', 'axes.facecolor': '#383838', 'axes.labelcolor': '#d5d5d5', 'text.color': '#d5d5d5', 'xtick.color': '#d5d5d5', 'ytick.color': '#d5d5d5', })
[docs] def set_light_mode(): """ Set the Seaborn theme to light mode, for exporting plots. """ sns.set_theme()
[docs] def format_thousands(axis, locale='en_US'): """ Set the thousands separator on the given axis for the given locale, e.g. ``en_US``. """ axis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format_decimal(x, format="#", locale=locale)) )
[docs] class OCDSKingfisherColabError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions from within this package"""
[docs] class UnknownPackageTypeError(OCDSKingfisherColabError, ValueError): """Raised when the provided package type is unknown"""
[docs] class MissingFieldsError(OCDSKingfisherColabError): """Raised when no fields are provided to a function"""